The report noted: “It was not until the bank formally split core assets from non-core assets in early 2012 that the business began to embed a systematic strategy for managing these loans separately.”
(3) Break your own lending rules
The Co-op Bank routinely made loans that breached it own lending criteria, with 46pc of corporate loans made or increased in 2012 deemed to be in contravention of its credit rules. For instance, the bank sanctioned a loan of £64m to one customer, more than double its £25m credit limit, on the grounds that it had “developed a good relationship” with the borrower in question.
(4) Don't bother to work out how much capital you need
The capital shortfall at the Co-op Bank was larger than the £1.5bn black hole revealed last year and the lender’s actual capital deficit was £1.9bn. By June 2013, the capital requirement of the Co-op Bank based on its Capital Planning Buffer (CPB) and Individual Capital Guidance, both figures set by the banking regulator, in this case the Prudential Regulation Authority, was £3.4bn. However, the actual capital resources on hand at that time were just £1.5bn, giving a shortfall of £1.9bn, rather than £1.5bn. The reason for the use of the lower figure of £1.5bn is that banks are actually allowed to use some of their CPB in times of stress, meaning that raising £1.5bn still put the lender above the minimum required.
Quite how bad the Co-op Bank was at judging its own capital is highlighted by its own forecasts, which predicted a surplus at the end of last year of £500m, as opposed to a deficit of £1.9bn/
The report noted with some understatement that: “The executive’s record of forecasting either its capital requirement or its capital resources was consistently poor.”
As a postscript, the eventual slashing of the Co-op Bank’s credit rating by six-notches was the largest by Moody’s “since Enron”.
(5) Ignore the 'ethical' credentials, it's all about the profits
Despite being an “ethical” lender, the Co-op Bank was a more enthusiastic seller of PPI products than probably any other building society. Between 1999 and 2010, the bank generated an income from PPI of about £280m and received premiums worth nearly £360m. Total insurance claims on PPI policies over the same period totalled just £58m.
The report noted: “The bank had an avowedly ethical policy. It is particularly disappointing that it pursued the high margins available from selling PPI, despite the fact that in many cases it manifestly failed to treat its customers fairly.”
(6) Have IT so bad it could actually have sped up the collapse of Northern Rock
The Northern Rock’s collapse could have been worse as the Co-op Bank was the failed lender’s clearer, meaning it was responsible for processing all of its payments. The Co-op had built its core banking system in the 1970s and had twice considered updating is IT, but judged the cost and difficulties too great. This almost came to a head as Northern Rock customers rushed to withdraw their money, putting immense strain on the Co-op’s ageing computers and in the words of the report this capacity limit only “narrowly” avoided “serious difficulties”.
(7) Spend vast amounts of money on new computers you will never use
The Co-op Bank’s attempt to “replatform” to an entirely new IT system was even more disastrous than previously thought. The budget for the project was initially put at £184m before the Britannia merger. However, this more than doubled to £460m after the completion of the takeover. In 2011, the FSA became concerned that even this budget was too low and by the time its bid was accepted to buy 632 Lloyds Banking Group branches the total cost of the project had risen to £950m, even before the integration of the new business. By this point £349m had already been spent. Nearly all of this investment has now been written off and the Co-op Bank is now spending a further £500m over the next three years developing another entirely new core banking system.
The rise in spending on spending was marked by what the report noted were “excessive” demands for bespoke changes to the bank “out of the box” system it had originally bought from Indian software provider Infosys. At its peak, the Co-op Bank asked for 18,000 individuals changes to the system to tailor it to its requirements, this was subsequently cut to less than 11,000 in 2010 after a refining of the process, but a year later the figure had risen again to 17,000.
The report noted: “A large number of the requirements appear to have been non-essential, driven primarily by the preference for replicating what existed before.”
In short, the bank spent more than £300m and budgeted to spend nearly £1bn to replace its old computer systems with a new one that was almost identical.
(8) Launch an ill-defined 'cost-cutting' scheme at the worst possible time
Aside from the disastrous Britannia merger and its IT spending, the Co-op Bank also suffered from the ill-fated Project Unity, which was an attempt by the Co-op Group to combine a series of cost cuts with moves to improve cross-selling throughout the mutual’s businesses.
Unity led to an expensive and complex internal restructuring process that began in September 2010 and was only wholly abandoned in January 2013. The projections for the project were ambitious, with the Co-op estimating cost savings of £50m by the end of 2012 combined with revenue gains of £40m. Internal forecasts, suggested the combined benefits of the programme to be between £190m and £450m a year by 2015. This turned out to be a vast overestimate and by the end of 2012 the project team calculated that the revenue benefits of the scheme were just £1.5m.
For the Co-op Bank, Unity proved disruptive as core departments such as risk and audit were merged with those of the group, a decision that was subsequently reversed, but that came at a time when the lender was already struggling with the integration of the Britannia.
The report puts the blame for the ill-thought through and ultimately costly project on Peter Marks, the then chief executive of the Co-op Group. The report noted Mr Marks was given: “too much latitude in the implementation of Project Unity in a way which suggests that neither he nor the board fully understood the implications.”
(9) Double the pay of your top managers for no good reason
The Britannia Building Society chief executive, Neville Richardson, more than doubled his earnings after the mutual's takeover by the Co-op Bank. In 2008 he was paid £489,000, which consisted of a salary of £409,000, a long-term incentive award of £52,000, and other benefits and pension contributions of £28,000. However, in 2010, the year after the merger was completed, Mr Richardson received a total pay package worth £1.2m, made up of an increased salary of £664,000, a £349,000 bonus, a £162,000 long-term incentive and £21,000 in other benefits.
The report noted: “It is not surprising that Neville Richardson was attracted to the role. He became the CEO of a substantially larger, broader financial institution, carrying with it greater responsibility and commensurate reward.”
(10) And make sure those below think about their bonuses too
There are signs the Co-op management were just as conscious of their bonuses as peers at bigger banks. Over one weekend in February 2012, the lender added then reversed a £20m provision on its corporate portfolio that would have halved staff bonuses. As the final finishing touches were being put to the bank’s annual report and accounts a decision was made to include the additional provision, but then rescinded by then acting chief executive, Barry Tootell, so that the eventual amount of money set aside for corporate impairments was towards what its auditor stated was the “optimistic end of the acceptable range”.
The report noted: “The additional provision would have had the knock on effect of nearly halving the bank’s £40m bonus pool for its employees and directors. The finance team who worked over the weekend were aware of this.”
The report also observed: “The reversal was thought by some of those involved to have followed a conversation between the bank CEO and the group CEO [Peter Marks]. But there is no direct evidence of this. The bank CEO has no recollection of any of these events and the group CEO denies any such conversation ever took place.”
(11) Ignore experience, it's all about democracy
The Co-op Bank’s board ignored one of the two main recommendations of the Walker Review when appointing the Reverend Paul Flowers as chairman in 2010. According to Walker, along with the ability to lead a board, any bank chairman should have had an “earlier senior executive role in banking”. Rev Flower had no such banking experience, yet despite this Co-op board members have still insisted that he scored higher than any other candidate on all criteria even though he was up against Rodney Baker-Bates, the former chairman of the Britannia and an experienced banker. This was particularly surprising given the Co-op asked would be candidates for the role to read the Walker Review.
The report noted: “Even now, some interviewees continue to express the view that it was desirable for the CBG [Co-op Bank Group] chair to be someone who had been democratically elected.”
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