That is what he has provided. It’s just unfortunate that, in that time, the Treasury select committee’s hearings involving all the major protagonists has provided that on a near fortnightly basis, while the number of reports and investigations which have begun – or are planned – into the whole sorry affair are almost in double digits, depending on which you include.
Moreover, there is no one smoking gun contained within his body of work. Although his criticism of the Britannia deal is eye-catching, the problems at the mutual range far wider.
No, if there is a villain to Sir Christopher’s piece, a repeat offender as it were, it is the governance structure of the group, and the sheer lack of real oversight that caused.
If the report does one thing, it sends a message loud and clear to Co-op’s voting population at this month’s annual meeting: there is a real need for change across the organisation.
EU citizens may balk at financial transaction tax
A financial transaction tax is an extraterritorial land grab by the European Union and for that reason it should be resisted.
There appears to be an implicit assumption that the FTT is some kind of “bankers’ tax” and that it will be paid by banks, not ordinary people.
This is, of course, nonsense. The levy, if introduced, will become just another cost of doing business for insurers, investment managers and brokers and will be priced into all customer fees.
Its impact will ultimately be felt in the pockets of ordinary savers whose funds these large institutions manage.
But it is not a mortal threat to the City of London. It could certainly hurt trading volumes – early research from France and Italy suggests anything between a 10pc and 30pc fall in daily trading volumes – but it would not kill the UK as a global financial services centre.
The City’s strength is not based solely on trading. This fundamentally misunderstands what London has become and what banks, assets managers and all the other agglomeration of financial services providers that have made our capital their home, are actually doing here.
Trading is important – it would be ridiculous to pretend otherwise – and an FTT is not helpful in that regard, but quite how harmful it is will depend on the scope of the final levy.
For instance, as currently constructed the tax has a global reach; trading French, German, or British shares outside the European Union does not allow you to escape because the tax is charged on any financial instrument issued within an EU member. For that reason, New York, Dubai and Hong Kong could also suffer.
London can live with an FTT; whether European Union citizens can is another matter.
After all, if – as those who support the levy suggest – it is really a £28bn redistributive tax to rectify global inequality, for how long will
the savers of Germany, France and Italy put up with noticeably lower returns on their life savings to fund development projects in places they have never heard of?
Cable points the way for colleagues on energy
Vince Cable injected a much-needed dose of realism into the energy debate on Wednesday by admitting that green energy is expensive.
It may be blindingly obvious to those who follow the issue, but it has also been woefully absent from much of the official government response to rising energy bills. While Tories have started briefing against costly “green crap”, DECC persists in clinging to the mantra that its policies will leave consumers better off – because bills would be cheaper “than they would otherwise have been”.
There are two major problems with this claim. First, it may not be true. It relies on questionable assumptions, such as the future cost of gas being driven significantly higher by supply shortages or carbon pricing – neither of which may materialise.
Secondly, it is misleading. The unit cost of electricity will still have to increase from today’s levels to subsidise green energy. Whether it rises less than it might have in a different scenario, or those unit cost rises are offset by reductions in energy usage (another questionable assumption), there are still price rises on the cards for years to come.
Treasury documents quietly released on Tuesday show that this year alone the energy department will sign consumers up to low carbon projects with a combined future subsidy bill of £29bn. As Mr Cable rightly points out, high costs are not solely caused by the Conservative bete noire of wind farms. The much-feted deal for Britain’s first nuclear plant in a generation, also costs, in his words, “a hell of a lot more” than gas plants.
Of course, admitting that your policies will push up bills is a lot less tempting for most politicians than blaming those cartoon villains in the energy sector, as has been evidenced during recent price rises. This only compounds consumer mistrust in energy companies, already at self-inflicted low levels, and worsens the poisonous political climate that deters much-needed investors.
Mr Cable, as a former Shell economist, thankfully appears to realise this, saying on Wednesday there was “no point just berating the energy industry”. It’s about time some of his Coalition colleagues took note.
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