The current plight of the ruling partners, the centre-Right Fine Gael and centre-Left Labour Party, is a far cry from the widespread plaudits the pair received last December when the country made a clean exit from its Troika bail-out programme.
Both parties came to power following the February 2011 general election with the largest majority in the history of the state. They inherited an economy that had been saved from bankruptcy the previous November following the humiliating €67.5bn bail-out by the Troika.
The once fabled “Celtic Tiger” had been well and truly slain. There were many contributory factors to the demise of the economy, but probably none more so than the decision taken by the previous Fianna Fail-led government, on the night of September 29 2008, to guarantee the liabilities of the domestic banking system in the mistaken belief that the sector faced a temporary liquidity crisis.
That fateful decision eventually shifted €64bn of property-related bank losses on to the state’s balance sheet. An emergency budget had to be introduced in October 2008 to shore up the creaking national coffers. The good times were officially over.
The budget deficit ballooned to 32pc of gross domestic product (GDP) in 2010 on the back of the bank bail-out.
There was a remarkable degree of social cohesion even during the worst phase of the economic downturn. There were no southern European-style riots. Irish people take revenge at the ballot box. The Fianna Fail party, which had been in power for all but a few brief periods since the foundation of the state, suffered its worst ever election defeat in the 2011 general election.
When Fine Gael and Labour took power, they agreed to maintain the Troika- imposed austerity programme in order to reduce the budget deficit below 3pc of GDP by 2015. The scale of belt tightening over the past six years has been unprecedented for any western country. A total of 20pc of GDP has been taken out of the economy in spending cuts and tax increases since 2008.
But the electorate’s patience has run out with the finishing line in sight. Over 90pc of the planned consolidation has been implemented.
The coalition partners can point to a number of achievements over the past three years. The economy is growing again and creating jobs. The Dublin-based Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI) forecasts GDP to grow by 2.6pc this year and 3.5pc next year. From a peak of 14.7pc in 2011, unemployment is expected to fall to 11.4pc this year and 10.1pc in 2015. There are robust levels of foreign investment in pharmaceuticals, technology and other high-end sectors.
But the public is still not feeling the benefits of this modest recovery. Moreover, austerity fatigue has set in.
This is a critical period for the future of the government. The minister for social protection, Joan Burton, is the front-runner to take over at the helm of the Labour Party from Gilmore. She has already pledged that she would seek an end to austerity. If the party is to win back some of its core support, it has to start delivering benefits.
According to the terms of the bail-out programme, the government has signed up to push through one more austerity budget consisting of €2bn in consolidation measures next October. The ESRI has pencilled in a budget deficit of 4.5pc for the end of this year and 2.8pc next year, but crucially this is based on a €2bn budget adjustment in October.
Fine Gael has always been much more enthusiastic about austerity than Labour because it chimes with its economic philosophy. The two will have to find common ground if the government is to survive.
Two of Ireland’s most high profile economic commentators have differing views on what should happen next.
Jim Power, an economist with the life assurance company, Friends First, says the government should go for a balanced budget. “We have had six years of austerity. I think a budget of €2bn would damage the economy. I still think we can reach the deficit with a balanced budget. In fact, if there is €2bn taken out in the budget, then I think that could make us miss the [3pc deficit] target.”
But senior economics lecturer at the University of Limerick, Stephen Kinsella, argues that the Government has to proceed with the planned consolidation. “What Labour now wants and what this government signed up for are two different things. The government has an agreement with the Troika. The Labour Party cannot just turn around now and say it doesn’t want to do it.”
Kinsella says that the overriding priority has to be reaching the 3pc budget deficit target. “At the moment even with the €2bn in cuts we are not guaranteed we will reach it.”
The Fine Gael Minister for Finance, Michael Noonan, says that he will consider easing up on the planned €2bn in consolidation, including possible tax cuts for middle income earners, if growth exceeds the government’s 2pc forecast and the economy keeps creating new jobs.
But a decision will not be made until later this summer when there is much greater clarity on tax receipts, he added.
The consensus among political observers is that Labour and Fine Gael will do whatever it takes to ensure the government serves its full term. Otherwise it could be a case of mutually assured destruction.
Fine Gael’s share of the vote slumped from 36.1pc in the 2011 general election to 24pc in the local elections. Labour’s went from 19.4pc to 7pc. It faces wipeout if there was a general election.
Even though they would not admit it publicly, the Troika must be hoping there is not a general election any time soon.
Sinn Fein took 15pc of the vote in the local elections and 17pc in the European elections. Independents took more than 28pc of the vote in the local election. Even though they are a discordant grouping, within the broad umbrella of independents, there was a sizeable cohort of anti-austerity candidates, including members of the Socialist Party and the People Pefore Profit Alliance.
A lot hinges on whether the local and EU elections were a protest vote or whether it represents a shift in the political landscape.
If it repeated its success at a general election, then Sinn Fein, plus a grouping of Left wing independents, could potentially form a government, or at least hold the balance of power.
The economic recovery is still very fragile. Government debt is 124pc of GDP; 17.9pc of residential mortgages are in arrears and the three domestic banks, of which two are under state control, are struggling with billions in bad loans sitting on their balance sheets.
Sinn Fein and these hard Left independents share broadly similar views on how the economy should be managed. They have pledged to reverse all spending cuts introduced over the past six years. These include a property tax, water charges, the universal social charge, welfare cuts and cuts to health services. They also advocate defaulting on the €64bn of sovereign debt that relates to bailing out the banks.
Sinn Fein says it would balance the books through a “wealth tax”. However, critics accuse the party of indulging in fantasy economics and that it cannot deliver what it has promised.
The prospect of any of these parties entering government is not universally welcomed.
“It scares the living daylights out of me. For a small open economy that relies heavily on attracting foreign direct investment and foreign workers, they could do a lot of damage,” says Mr Power.
Cormac Lucey was a senior adviser to the former deputy Prime Minister Michael McDowell. He says Sinn Fein’s budget proposals are vague and do not add up. “It is a political message and not an economic policy.”
Ireland has been governed by coalitions since the 1980s. Junior parties have not fared very well over that period. The Progressive Democrats were wiped out in the 2007 general election and the Green Party dropped to 3pc of the popular vote in 2011.
Mr Lucey believes the same fate awaits Sinn Fein and the potential rise of the hard Left will dissipate. “It is a political carousel. They will forget their promises and eventually go into power with either Fianna Fail or Fine Gael. They will become the equivalent of a political one night stand.”
Another issue that unites most of the hard Left parties is their implacable opposition to the EU. And this presents another potentially huge problem for Ireland.
Borrowing costs for all eurozone member states have tumbled to record lows over the past few months. But not even the most optimistic euro bull would suggest that the problems affecting the currency union have been solved.
Ireland’s minister for European affairs, Paschal Donohue, says there “is spare capacity within existing treaties to put the region on the road to prosperity.” This includes the new surveillance mechanisms, known as the “two-pack” and the “six-pack”, introduced through the Fiscal Stability Treaty. The aim of these measures is to ensure that fiscal policy is coordinated between member states.
Then there is the European semester programme that looks to improve the competitiveness of each country, says Donohue. These will be complemented by funding from the European Investment Bank (EIB) and Banking Union, to ensure there is no repeat of the financial crisis that brought the region to the brink of extinction over the past few years, he adds.
But the design flaws that caused the debt crisis are still there, says Alan Ahearne, a former economist with the US Federal Reserve and a former special adviser to the Irish Minister for Finance, Brian Lenihan, between 2009 and 2011. He argues that what is needed if the eurozone is to survive and prosper is a fiscal union that enables fiscal transfers between member states; eurobonds and a much more active role for the ECB in stoking economic development.
However, these would require a European Union treaty change. According to the Irish constitution, any treaty change has to be ratified by a referendum. But the growing rise of Eurosceptic parties will make this extremely difficult, meaning that this, more than anything, will be Ireland’s biggest challenge over the medium to long term.
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