This is quite a prospect for investors who have been with him for years: his Invesco Perpetual High Income fund gained 2,213pc in his 25 years at the helm, while the similar Income fund returned 1,839pc.
“The old funds were my construction,” he said in an exclusive interview with Your Money. “And I’m not going to change it – you want continuity.”
The new fund, Woodford Equity Income, is expected to have lower charges than its predecessors and will pay income quarterly rather than twice a year. Like the Invesco funds, it will have the scope to invest in companies that are not quoted on the stock market and to hold up to 20pc of its assets in overseas shares. It will be available from investment shops such as Hargreaves Lansdown but not directly from Mr Woodford’s firm.
Other funds, such as global equity income and bond offerings, are likely to follow.
Mr Woodford said his new company would give him more time to concentrate on managing his clients’ money. “I wanted to create an environment that would give me as much time as possible to manage money and avoid the distractions that you can get embroiled in.
“Analysing companies is what I’m paid for. My motivation is all about creating a firm that will allow my team of fund managers to concentrate on what they do best.” Earlier this week he hired three of his former Invesco colleagues.
He added: “The great advantage of a clean sheet of paper is that you can learn from the things that didn’t go as well as you’d have liked while keeping the things that did work well.”
His ambition is to build a lasting business of significant size, rather than a small “boutique”. “I need a team around me of the best talent I can find, and the three I hired this week are exactly that. Will the firm grow to be as big as Invesco? I don’t know about that,” he said.
But how has Mr Woodford managed to outperform his peers for so long?
He said: “My industry is full of pseudo-scientific mumbo-jumbo, which confuses investors . But what I do is actually quite simple and can be communicated simply: my job is to look for anomalies in the values put on companies by the stock market.
“Some companies are undervalued by the market, some are overvalued. A fund manager’s job is to find the former and avoid the latter.”
He explained that deciding whether a particular share was correctly valued involved both looking back at its past performance and forming a judgment about how it was likely to perform in the future, then comparing the results with both other opportunities and market expectations.
“When you are trying to decide what will happen to a company in the future, the things that stand you in good stead are experience and common sense,” Mr Woodford said.
“It’s no surprise to me that one of the world’s best investors – Warren Buffett – is also one of the oldest. But fund managers tend to move jobs frequently and quit the industry early, which means that the lessons they learn are often forgotten.”
Asked for an example of his approach, Mr Woodford pointed to his long-standing holding in AstraZeneca. Shares in the drugs maker had been languishing for years before Pfizer, an American rival, confirmed this week that it was interested in launching a takeover bid.
The market had worried that the expiry of drug patents would hit pharmaceuticals firms’ profits but Mr Woodford said these fears were exaggerated, sending the share price too low.
“The market valuation implied that Astra would never develop another successful drug. But it spends billions of pounds on research and development – I don’t believe that all this money is being wasted. But because the share price had fallen to ludicrously low levels, I wasn’t even taking a risk when I bought the shares – the cash that Astra’s existing drugs were generating was enough on its own to provide a decent return on my investment.”
Thanks to management changes, which Mr Woodford was instrumental in bringing about, “Astra now has a much brighter future and investors are beginning to realise it. Clearly Pfizer has too.”
Mr Woodford said his purchase of AstraZeneca shares when they were so out of favour was, of all the trades in his career, the one of which he was most proud. A close second was his decision to avoid buying technology stocks during the dotcom boom of the late Nineties. “I was heavily criticised at the time for my refusal to buy them but ultimately clients benefited significantly,” he said. In another feat of prescience that saved his investors from losses, he predicted the excesses of the banking system as far back as the early 2000s.
Does he think that ordinary investors could copy his stock-picking techniques?
“You need a basic understanding of accounting but not advanced skills. It’s important not to get too scientific about it. Accounts are becoming more complex and impenetrable – HSBC’s run to about 500 pages – and I defy anyone to read and understand them all.
“As long as you assume that companies report their results faithfully, you don’t need to be a genius to get what you need from their accounts. I’m living proof of that – I have just an O‑level in maths and no accountancy qualification.”
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