My doubts about claiming it stem from the fact that it was obviously conceived as a way of helping older people - for many living close to the edge, the winter can be ghastly as they wrestle with the need to keep warm while still trying to live within their means.
But I am not in this position. Nor are countless other older citizens. Indeed, many of us are so well off that advertisers openly target the purchasing power of the grey pound or, in my case, the bald one. It seems mean to claim a benefit that I do not need, though you could say that by being a substantial taxpayer I have paid for it.
This winter fuel payment shows the worst aspects of the public sector in general and the welfare system in particular.
Of course, there is the usual baffling form to be filled out, which has to be sent to the “Winter Fuel Payment Centre” in Wolverhampton where armies of people doubtless labour over whether claimants are, or are not, entitled to their benefit, and at what level.
The result is that people like me pay tax to finance an unneeded benefit to people like me. It would be interesting to know the cost of administering and paying this benefit in relation to the amount paid out. It would be simpler to add the money to the annual pension.
Our welfare system is a frightful mess created by the interaction of three different principles: contribution, qualification according to some abstract criterion (such as age), and “need”, usually judged according to income and circumstances.
Then, over and above these principles governing cash payments by the state, we have the idea that education and healthcare (except, for some reason, prescriptions, dental treatment and spectacles) should be completely free of charge.
Contribution was the principle on which the welfare state was first established. That is why the system was referred to as one of National Insurance (NI).
The idea was that you paid your “stamp” and that entitled you to unemployment benefit, should you find yourself out of work. It also entitled you to a pension whose level depended upon how assiduously you had paid your stamps over the course of your working life.
This contributory principle has much to commend it. It seems to accord with natural justice in that what you get out has a relation to what you put in. There is “nowt for nowt”.
But the trouble is that it does not accord with our sense of compassion or social justice. What is to happen to all those people who, for one reason or another, do not have a full contribution record? Are they to be left on the scrap heap? Surely not.
Accordingly, if someone does not qualify for unemployment benefit, or a full old age pension, there are various benefits available to provide assistance based upon need and circumstances. In any case, NI contributions do not pay for the benefits that they supposedly provide for.
There is no NI fund separate from the ordinary public finances. The money goes into the same pot as income tax, and the benefits that NI supposedly supports are paid for out of that same general pot. Accordingly it is in fact, and it is widely regarded as, another tax.
NI and income tax need to be merged. Yet this is far from easy, not only because of the residual connections between contributions and entitlement to benefits but also because of the fact that NI is not payable on pensions or investment income. Accordingly, just merging
the two and applying the same rate to all income would automatically result in pensions and investment income suffering a huge increase in the tax payable.
The way to tackle this is surely to use whatever spare fiscal resources are available to the Chancellor to reduce employee NI contribution rates bit by bit, aiming at eventual abolition.
That would allow income tax and NI to be merged. Employer NI contributions could still continue. But they shouldn’t, as it is not sensible to levy a tax on employment. Again, the Chancellor should aim at gradually cutting these rates prior to eventual abolition.
The welfare state grew into what it is now without clear thought as to the conflicting principles behind it, resulting in the current mess. Reforming it should not be done in the same haphazard way. We need a full investigation of the whole structure in relation to the principles underlying it, and its efficiency.
Surely this should lead to a massive simplification of the benefit system, involving income support for those who need it, rather than the dispensing of umpteen single benefits - such as my winter fuel payment.
With its benefit reforms the Coalition has made a good start on welfare reform, but there is a long way to go. This is a task that can only be completed over two, or even three, parliaments. But the time for radical thought – and national debate – is now.
Roger Bootle is managing director of Capital Economics
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