Coal will beat solar as world's top power source by 2050, says IEA

Posted by Unknown on Monday, September 29, 2014

The IEA expects carbon prices to climb as high as $150 by mid-century as world leaders reach deals aimed at capping global warming at 2 degrees above pre-industrial levels. The key powers agreed last week in New York to draft a new treaty to cut greenhouse gases, to be competed in 2015. China is already drawing up its own carbon pricing scheme in a drive to clean up toxic smog in its largest cities, the latest sign that the bitter conflict between rich countries and the developing world over CO2 emissions may be abating.

The IEA said the stock of installed solar power worldwide will reach 200 gigawatts (GW) next year as China and Japan add vast amounts of new capacity, five years earlier than expected. “Things have changed very rapidly,” said the agency’s director Maria van der Hoven.

The pace will then accelerate, reaching a crescendo of 200 GW of extra capacity each year from 2025 onwards. This annual addition would be five times Britain’s current electricity use from all energy sources. This assumes that the world can come up with $44 trillion of fresh investment on plans to “carbonise the planet” by then. These are staggering sums. Spending on the entire fossil fuels industry is currently $900bn a year.

Mrs van der Hoeven said it will take “clear, credible and consistent signals” from government to crank up the two forms of solar power. “Both technologies are very capital intensive: almost all expenditures are made upfront. Lowering the cost of capital is thus of primary importance,” she said. The agency said “transitional policy support mechanisms” would be needed for a while to ensure that solar reaches critical mass in most markets.

If it all comes together, solar will provide 27pc of the world’s power by 2050, with the fastest catch-up in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia. The biggest gains will be in off-grid regions covering 1.3 billion people, which will leapfrog the 20th century model of grid infrastructure just as mobile telephones have swept regions with no fixed lines. The agency said the best zones for capturing solar rays is between latitudes of 15 to 40 degrees on either side of the equator, and best at higher elevations. Tropical regions tend to be cloudier.

Mrs van der Hoeven said there would be “massive deployment” of solar thermal power after 2025 as utilities take advantage of in-built thermal storage – up to several hours at full throttle, mostly from use of molten salts -- which allows them to store electricity during peak sunshine and release it later at night.

These are typically huge arrays of solar panels in arid areas that concentrate the sun on to receivers. Spain is the world number one, led by Abengoa’s Solaben park in Extremadura. The US is catching up fast, opening a giant 377 megawatt plant this year at Ivanpah in California. The IEA expects thermal solar to compete head on with fossil fuels by 2025 - depending on the region - and then pull ahead as costs halve by 2050.

A new trend is towards “solar-fossil hybridisation” in under way in North Africa, Iran, and the US where a solar field is built around a coal plant, with surges of solar output used for steam pressure extraction. These “solar boosters” can cut costs and CO2 emissions at the same time.

The agency said growth of rooftop solar will start to peak once it has saturated power grids and driven down wholesale electricity prices. This assumes that there is no major breakthrough in battery storage costs, yet fresh research in the US and Japan suggests that this too could change very fast.

Organic flow batteries using quinones – abundant in rhubarb – may ultimately displace the current generation of high-cost batteries requiring rare metals. Any such shift could lead to total self-sufficiency for households in warm dry climates, triggering a general stampede away from the grid.


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