Is there any reason to fear for the financial security of any bank or finance firm as a result of the vote – and how will my savings be protected in the short term?
Even if there is a Yes vote, all depositors’ money will be protected until at least March 16 2016 under the existing depositor protection arrangements provided by the London-based Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS).
So until that date all deposits, regardless of where savers live, will have cover of up to £85,000 for every bank where an account is held.
I live north of the border. Wouldn’t it be safer to move my money to an English bank, or to National Savings & Investments, just in case?
Where you live, rather than where you bank, might ultimately be more important in determining the long-term future of your savings (see further questions about currency, below). Larger “Scottish” banks – such as Royal Bank of Scotland and Bank of Scotland – have said they will register as English businesses where necessary.
What about longer-term protection for savings in Scottish banks?
The Scottish Government says it will set up its own equivalent to the FSCS. Its White Paper on independence says: “We will continue to have compensation schemes in place, providing protection equivalent to that which is available in the UK, and in line with European harmonised levels of consumer protection.”
Should savers with Scottish banks who live south of the border have any reason for immediate concern?
The consensus is that all major banks will restructure as necessary to suit the majority of their savers, most of whom are in England in the case of the bigger banks.
Will Scottish savers be able to keep their Isas?
Under current rules – if Scottish savers were to be treated just like residents of any other foreign country – they would be able to keep existing Isa accounts, free of tax in the UK. But they would not be able to contribute further to an Isa.
What are the longer-term implications for savers in an independent Scotland?
Further off is the big question of currency. For Scottish savers a switch to the euro or another currency would present many potential difficulties and choices which would relate to their earnings, existing mortgages and many other aspects of their finances.
If it emerged that another currency was on the horizon, wouldn’t there be a run on banks if savers thought their money was at risk of being switched into the new currency?
When the euro was introduced across participating nations the old currencies ran in parallel with the euro for a period, giving savers and consumers time to adjust. This allayed fears. But in other cases there have been problems and panic-stricken withdrawals. In 1993 Czechoslovakia broke into Slovakia and the Czech Republic, creating two currencies; this sparked a run on Slovak banks.
When in 2012 there were fears that Greece might withdraw from the eurozone and reintroduce the drachma, Greeks withdrew €700m (£560m) in the space of a fortnight.
How would my money be protected if Scotland joins the euro?
If Scotland adopts the euro, customers with a Scottish bank would also be protected under EU arrangements that guarantee €100,000 (about £80,000) per person, for each financial institution they bank with.
Will banking in an independent Scotland become more expensive?
Andrew Thorman, Clydesdale’s chief executive, has already complained that independence would increase costs for the Scotland-only bank.
He said: “A vote in favour of independence may give rise to significant additional costs and risks.”
Presumably these “additional costs” will be passed on to savers in the form of higher bank charges and poorer savings rates north of the border.
Stock market investments
Should I make any changes to my portfolio before the referendum?
Some professional investors have cut their exposure to British shares. Nutmeg, which manages stocks and shares Isas for people who don’t want to make their own investment decisions, switched £50m from the London market to New York when it saw the gap in the polls narrowing.
But many City investors, including highly regarded “multi-asset” teams at Jupiter, F&C and Premier Asset Management, decided not to follow suit, saying that panicky reactions to events were not the way to invest for the long term.
What will happen if the Scots reject independence?
Expect an immediate rally in the stock market. Sterling could recover, which would hit exporters’ profit margins. If the victory for the no camp was narrow, international investors could become permanently wary about investing in Britain, in the expectation of another referendum, which would hold the stock market back.
What will happen to the markets if the vote is Yes?
Some expect a severe reaction in the markets. Adam Memon, the head of economic research at the Centre for Policy Studies, said: “The recent sell-off is a mere warning of what may come if the Scots actually do vote for independence.”
Many factors would weigh on share prices, including the continued uncertainty about matters such as Scotland’s currency and tax regime. Another headwind would be the effect on economic activity – one investment group, Axa, said this week that a “yes” vote would knock 0.75 of a percentage point off economic growth next year, equivalent to a quarter of Axa’s predicted growth.
What about bonds, which are held via funds by many risk-averse or income-seeking investors?
Again, there are no certainties. One scenario sees Britain’s gilts (government bonds) downgraded in the event of a Yes, causing yields to rise; BNP Paribas, the French bank, pencilled in a one-notch cut in the rating and a 0.25 percentage point rise in the yield. This would equate to a 2.5pc capital loss, said John Pattullo, a bond fund manager at Henderson. A fall in gilt prices would have a knock-on effect on other bonds. But other experts said yields would fall, meaning a rise in bond prices, as interest rate rises would be postponed.
What practical difficulties would arise in the event of a Yes vote?
In their dealings with financial companies based in the rest of Britain, Scottish customers will become foreigners. This could affect how much tax they pay, the charges for certain services, the documentation they have to supply and so on. If Scotland ends up with a new currency they would face foreign exchange costs. In certain cases they could be better off switching to a company based in Scotland.
For customers in the rest of the UK, similar problems loom if they have dealings with firms based in Scotland.
I hold shares in Scottish companies and investment trusts. What will change?
The companies will remain listed on the London Stock Exchange so nothing will change when it comes to buying and selling the shares.
Currently, dividends are taxed at source and this tax cannot be reclaimed, even inside Isas and pensions. It is not clear if this could change for Scottish companies.
There are 1.2 million Scottish pensioners; all their rights to the state pension would be protected. But could an independent Scotland afford the bill?
The Yes and No camps are split. Certainly, if an independent Scotland absorbed the entire cost, it would have to create its own National Insurance system – or similar.
That would be problematic. Scotland’s population is ageing faster than the rest of the UK. This will worsen the ratio of working-age people to those retired, which is already worse than in England. The implication is that to pay an enormous pension bill, Scottish workers might face higher taxes.
So would England pay for state pensions?
This seems the most likely solution – although there has been practically no discussion in Westminster yet. Britain would effectively treat Scottish pensioners as “expats”, who would continue to receive pensions in the same way as former citizens who have moved abroad for retirement.
What about the new 'flat-rate’ state pension?
In future, new state pensions in Scotland will be paid at £160 a week, the Yes campaign has said.
That is higher than the likely £155 a week due as a flat rate in England in 2016.
Precisely how Scotland will be able to afford the higher payment is unclear. But the Scots have shorter life expectancies than the English, so that could help reduce the overall costs.
And the state pension age?
One of the larger carrots waved at older workers in Scotland is slower rises in the state pension age. Plans to make workers wait until age 67 from 2028 could be scaled back, the SNP has said. But there is much confusion: Nicola Sturgeon, the SNP’s Deputy First Minister, has said that an independent Scotland would review plans to increase the pension age to 67 precisely because life expectancy is shorter.
But Steve Webb, the UK pensions minister, has said the age at which payments funded by Britain started to be paid would still be decided by the British government.
Could I move to Scotland for a bigger pension at an earlier age?
Quite possibly you could play the system using your existing National Insurance record, said Tom McPhail, an analyst at Hargreaves Lansdown. “Independence could result in English sixty-somethings heading north to get their pension earlier. There may not be any practical way to distinguish someone who has lived all their life in Scotland from someone who has only just got there.”
Who will pay the state pension I accrue after independence?
In theory at least, any future employment in Scotland would count towards a retirement income paid by the Scottish government. That could mean savers who already have entitlement in Britain receive two different state pension payments, which start at different ages, calculated differently and uprated (or not) separately.
Are final salary pensions safe?
The Scottish government has repeatedly said private pension will be completely protected. However, there are some serious hurdles. Overnight, considerable pressure will be put on many Scottish final salary pension schemes.
What if I have money with a Scottish pension company?
Don’t panic. Scottish Widows, Standard Life, Alliance Trust Savings and so on have all made contingency plans if there is a Yes vote. Standard Life, for example, has said it will move large parts of its business to England. All transactions will still be conducted in pounds sterling and the firm will be regulated and headquartered in London.
Why would a new currency hurt Scottish borrowers?
Existing mortgages are all in sterling and there is nothing in lenders’ terms and conditions that would allow them to change the currency. This means roughly 800,000 Scottish borrowers could end up holding a “foreign currency” mortgage.
Why is that a problem?
If the pound strengthened against the Scottish currency it could increase the mortgage relative to the property’s value, leaving owners at risk of negative equity. Repayments would also rise if the local currency weakened.
Could lenders offer an alternative?
While lenders did not write anything into their terms and conditions that would allow them to change the currency of existing loans, it is possible that other arrangements could be negotiated.
What would happen to interest rates?
Existing borrowers would be at the mercy of the Bank of England’s Bank Rate.
What about new borrowers?
Most British banks currently lend to Scottish buyers but many are expected to pull out of the Scottish market if the country becomes independent. The uncertainty following a Yes vote could make it hard to secure a loan.
NS&I and Premium Bonds
Would Scottish NS&I customers be affected?
Yes. About 1.6 million savers north of the border have accounts with NS&I. There are rules around where savers live and what bank accounts they hold. If Scotland became independent, savers wouldn’t be able to invest new money in any NS&I accounts unless they had a bank account in England, Wales or Northern Ireland.
Would this hit English or Welsh NS&I savers?
No. Most of NS&I’s 25 million customers live south of the border. Even if Scottish savers eventually withdrew their money, there would be little impact.
What about NS&I Isas?
Under HMRC rules, savers living in an independent Scotland wouldn’t be able to put any new money in an NS&I Isa, regardless of whether they had an English bank account. But they would be able to keep existing NS&I Isas going.
If I didn’t have an account south of the border, would National Savings close my account?
This is a grey area. NS&I said: “This does not mean that we would automatically ask those who are already NS&I customers living in an independent Scotland without UK bank accounts to close their NS&I products.” It appears that savers with certain accounts would not receive payments of interest or be able to make withdrawals.
And Premium Bonds?
Scots would not be able to buy any more, unless they had a UK bank account, but they would be able to keep their existing holdings regardless.
Television licences
Would my television licence fee change?
Viewers would still be able to watch the BBC – but it is unclear whether the cost of the licence would change. The Yes campaign has pledged to keep the fee, now £145.50 a year, the same. New Scottish programmes have been promised, while Channel 4 and Channel 5 will remain.
However, there are doubts over BBC iPlayer, which is treated as a different service by the BBC. Scottish residents could be forced to pay an extra £44 a year to use it – the fee payable in certain other countries including Ireland.
BBC iPlayer
Would over-75s still get a free television licence?
University fees
Would education in Scotland be free for English students?
University tuition is free for Scottish students and those from mainland Europe. But English, Welsh and Northern Irish students must pay. You would expect tuition to become free for UK students under independence. However, the SNP believes it could still charge.
Would a UK government offer student loans for study in Scotland?
Under current rules, no. Those studying in Dublin, for example, cannot get a loan. Giving Scotland dispensation could lead to English students asking for grants for other countries.
What about the lottery?
Scots would still be able to take part in National Lottery games. Camelot has the licence until 2023 and a rival game will not be launched, the Scottish Government has said. However, Scottish charities could miss out on lottery funding.
And free prescriptions?
Scotland has offered free prescriptions and eye tests since 2011. These would remain in place.
Would a free NHS remain in Scotland?
Yes. The SNP has made a commitment to health services.
Household bills
Would energy bills rise in Scotland?
Unionists say yes. Reports put out by the UK government suggest that the average household energy bill will rise by £189 a year under independence.
They say families in England, Wales and Northern Ireland subsidise the cost of investing in renewable energy in Scotland.
Equally, though, bills south of the border could rise if UK suppliers were stripped of Scotland’s oil reserves and wind energy.
Couldn’t Scotland provide its own renewable energy?
Yes – and an independent Scotland could even make money by selling its “green” electricity to England.
EU targets force the UK to source 15pc of energy from renewables.
Would energy bills south of the border rise?
Even if they do, bills will be similar on both sides of the border, according to Prof Steve Thomas of the Public Services International Research Unit, a think tank.
Postage stamps
Surely stamp prices wouldn’t rise?
Posting to and from Scotland could become more expensive, Westminster has hinted. But the Post Office and Royal Mail have said nothing. If arrangements with the Isle of Man are any guide, costs will stay the same.
Are Scottish banknotes 'legal tender’ now?
No. But that question is a bit of a red herring. “Legal tender” has a precise meaning in law relating to paying off debts. It doesn’t mean that notes can or can’t be used in certain areas.
According to the Bank of England, these notes are “legal currency and can be accepted throughout the United Kingdom. They are authorised and approved by the UK Parliament, a position that was established by legislation as long ago as 1845.”
A selection of Scottish pound notes
But does that mean English shops and other businesses are obliged to accept them?
No. Shops and anyone else can choose whether to accept Scottish notes or not. “The acceptability of any means of payment, including banknotes, is essentially a matter for agreement between the parties involved in a transaction,” the Bank of England said.
Lots of English businesses are suspicious of Scottish (and Northern Ireland or Channel Island) notes and so, in practice, don’t take them.
But if there is a 'yes’ vote, will I be stuck with Scottish notes?
At least until 2016 – the earliest point at which negotiations about the future of Scotland will be concluded – Scottish notes will be honoured by banks, so you will be able to swap them for English notes. If there is no sharing of a future currency between the two separate countries, it is likely the old Scottish notes will not be a legal currency in England.
That sounds worrying. Does it mean Scottish banknotes would have less 'backing’ and protection?
Not necessarily less – but different. At the moment, when Scottish banks issue notes they have to be “backed” by other assets. The Bank of England said: “Scottish and Northern Ireland banknotes are fully backed at all times by ring-fenced backing assets partly held in Bank of England notes and UK coin, and partly as balances on accounts maintained by the issuing banks at the Bank of England.”
With an independent Scotland not sharing the same currency, this situation would alter. The notes issued by an independent Scotland would have to have their own backing assets in Edinburgh, or elsewhere, and this new backing system would be a part of what determined the value and acceptability of the new country’s notes.
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