Show you care about stress by offering practical help

Posted by Unknown on Sunday, September 7, 2014

The only way to start dealing with stress is through an honest face-to-face chat. Bottling up the problem simply makes matters worse. The initial reluctance to acknowledge the problem is totally understandable. Stress generally comes with a loss of self-esteem and the impression that everyone else in the world is happy and highly competent. To admit having the condition feels like confessing you are inadequate.

Stress victims are often surprised to discover their boss recognises they have a problem and is there to help. A proper conversation gives you the chance to explain that plenty of people suffer from stress, and most can still work a normal week.

It helps if you can identify the cause. Is the stress work- related or has it stemmed from something in the colleague’s personal life?

If stress at work is caused by bullying or strained relationships, especially with the boss, you need to bring the problem into the open. If the cause is poor performance, the pressure of retraining and meeting targets may make matters worse. In some cases the only answer is to find a new job.

With home-related issues such as money problems, relationship breakdown and bereavement, work can provide the one constant in a colleague’s life. You may not be able to resolve the home problem but you can do a lot of good by helping the colleague get back to work.

Make sure your colleague is seeing their GP. If they are on a waiting list for counselling, we put them in touch with our Colleague Assistance programme or get them to find a counsellor themselves and bill the first seven sessions to the company. That simple bit of support can give a big confidence boost.

If possible, get your colleague’s permission to talk to their GP, especially if there is concern about finding a suitable role. This is particularly important when there is little prospect of someone returning to work.

A caring approach to stress can help star performers who are going through a rough patch, but you can’t help everyone. You run a business, not a social service, so people who are clearly going to be permanently off sick should be asked to leave the payroll. I would rather do the right thing for our colleagues than worry what might happen at an unlikely tribunal.

Q I recently sold a business for a significant sum. I have always been a socialist and intended to give much of my wealth away to charities and worthy causes. But now I’m uncertain what portion I should keep for myself and my two sons. What’s a fair amount to pass on? I don’t want them to be spoiled by too much easy money.

A This is a very personal decision, but you don’t have to be a socialist to give money away. A lot depends on how much (£100k, £1m, or £10m?), and whether there is a charitable cause close to your heart. But most of all your decision depends on how you view your two boys. By selling, you have denied them the chance of carrying on a family business. Do you think they would invest their inheritance wisely, or would it be squandered on loose living and unviable ventures?

It’s a good idea to give any charity some of your time before you give it your money. When you have met the senior team and really understand how the charity works, you will be in a much better position to judge how much of your help they need.

When the cash has been given away, it has left your hands for ever. Take your time and only sign it over when you are absolutely certain you have made the correct call.


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