The case for working mothers: your kids will be just fine

Posted by Unknown on Tuesday, September 30, 2014

While not the first study on the effects of career women on their children, Dr Mendolia’s is one of the few to examine the effect of working mothers on teenagers. “The existing literature on the effects of maternal employment mostly focuses on early childhood, and only a very limited number of studies analyse effects on older children,” she said. “These studies are mostly based on American data and provide conflicting results.”

She used data from the British Youth Panel - part of the British Household Panel Survey, which was designed to be representative of the national population - collected in 13 annual waves, from 1994 to 2006.

Dr Mendolia used a sample of all children living with mothers in paid employment. Although she chose to exclude self-employed women from the official study, because they tend to have more flexible working schedules, Dr Mendolia ran sensitivity analyses that produced similar results to the main model.

Looking at information about the adolescent children of mothers across three different models - comparing women who worked fewer than and more than 25 hours a week, 30 hours per week and 35 hours per week - Dr Mendolia found that a high number of hours spent working by a mother makes it no less likely that their children will smoke or suffer subpar levels of psychological well-being.

The research showed that children from advantaged socioeconomic backgrounds run a higher risk of lower self-esteem or life satisfaction if their mothers have jobs, but these negative effects vanish when the child’s characteristics that do not change over time - known as fixed effects - are taken into account.

In fact, when these fixed effects are factored in, the only noticeable effect on children of working mothers is that they are less likely to leave school at 16.

Studies like this are particularly important for single-parent households, where the parent usually has less of a choice about whether to work. Single parents overwhelmingly tend to be women, who account for 92pc of lone parents in the UK, according to the Office of National Statistics.

In her report, Dr Mendolia laid out several possible reasons why these findings, which undermine common assumptions about working mothers, aren’t - or at least shouldn’t be - that surprising.

Working mothers don’t necessarily spend less time with their teenage children; perhaps they spend less time on household chores instead, or organise their work schedules around their children’s school timetables. A recent study found that mothers spend four times as much quality time with their children today as they did in 1974. What’s more, men today are more likely to be involved in childcare, taking some of the traditional burden off women; the same survey found that working fathers spend seven times as much time with their children each day than they did 40 years ago. The average mother still spends more time with her children than the average father, though.

Additionally, there’s nothing to say working mothers should be less able than their non-working peers to discipline and monitor their children. In fact, Dr Mendolia points out that the positive effect of having a working mum - a woman who probably values independence and is a strong role model for her children - could offset any negative effects of her absence.

Not only is it becoming increasingly common for mothers to keep their jobs, but the proportion of female breadwinners in cohabiting-parent families has doubled over the last 15 years. According to analysis by IPPR, almost a third of mothers were breadwinners in 2011, up from 18pc in 1997.

Mothers who don’t provide the lion’s share of earnings are still contributing a growing proportion of household income: 37pc in 2011, compared with 29pc in 1997.

The idea of the absent working mother is less of a concern that it would have been half a century ago, due to better and more readily available childcare, as well as shifting cultural attitudes towards women having careers. Women now account for far more of the total UK employment rate than they have in previous decades.

As Dr Mendolia points out, despite disproportionate attention given to working mothers, “maternal presence is only one aspect” of family life. There are many other influences on child development that are just as - if not more - important.


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