Dairy Crest, which has three plastic bottling facilities, said its plastic bottles are more environmentally with at least a third of their content being recyclable.
A single pint glass bottle also weighs 15 more than its plastic equivalent.
Dairy Crest's chief executive Mark Allen said the decision to announce the closure was taken to give the company's employees the time to consider their options.
"At Hanworth nothing is going to change immediately but sales of milk in glass bottles are falling and we have to give our employees clarity over the dairy's future," said Mr Allen.
"We also have to let our milkmen and women know that we are doing all we can to protect their livelihoods."
The company, which owns dairy brands Cathedral City, Clover and Country Life, and FRijj, said it expected its first half profits to be broadly in line with expectations.
"Our key brands have performed strongly and the improvements we have made to our Dairies operations in recent years have made them more resilient", added Mr Allen.
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