Levies on business are a burden for us all

Posted by Unknown on Friday, October 3, 2014

Fortunately, Britain is in nowhere near the same disastrous place as France, and it would of course be ridiculous to suggest that beneath the mask, our current leaders have any intention of imposing such an economically illiterate and self-defeating set of policies on their own economy. Ed Miliband, on the other hand, shows every sign of being a different matter.

Yet remarks this week by George Osborne, the Chancellor, to the effect that big-tech multinationals will be forced to pay their supposed share, hint at a not so dissimilar way of thinking – promise the earth to citizens but let’s get business to pay for it.

I say disingenuous because business taxation is not, as sometimes imagined, a way of levelling the balance between the exploiters and the exploited, but a levy on society at large. All business taxes are ultimately paid for by consumers, workers and shareholders. They are not some kind of ringfenced fine on the wicked, but part of the tax burden on the whole economy.

This burden rose very significantly in the Labour years. Aware of the effect it was having on competitiveness, the Coalition has partially reversed the damage, reducing the headline rate of corporation tax by 8 percentage points to the lowest in the G7, and rowing back on punitive attempts to tax overseas profits. Welcome though these policies have been, so far they have tended to benefit big, highly profitable multinationals a great deal more than the economic hinterland of low-profit smaller enterprises. A continued squeeze on allowable expenses, and the lack of meaningful relief on business rates, means that if anything the tax regime may have got tougher for many SMEs.

There has also been no attempt to reverse Labour’s increase in national insurance contributions, which for a lot of companies is the main form of business taxation, and there has been a general ramping up of green taxes, many of which fall directly on business. At the same time, there has been an ongoing crackdown on tax avoidance, and a strong presumption of guilt against any company that dares to use established tax law to its own advantage.

When both David Cameron and George Osborne said that tax cuts would be entirely funded by further spending cuts, they were not quite correct. Reducing tax avoidance may not seem like a tax increase, but to the extent that society is paying more tax than before, it certainly is.

In any case, there are lots of mixed messages, not to say hypocrisies, around the fashion for anti-avoidance rhetoric and action. Companies sometimes locate in Britain on the explicit understanding that tax reliefs or ways of avoiding headline taxes exist to attract them. It’s a bit rich to then accuse them of unethical behaviour.

Some of these reliefs – notably the patent box legislation, allowing big multinationals to offshore their profits on intellectual property to the UK – are regarded by other jurisdictions as tantamount to the practices of a tax haven. It is sadly the case that one man’s tax competitiveness is another man’s tax avoidance.

Governments have yet to accept this simple, unpalatable truth, but most forms of business taxation don’t work in today’s essentially borderless world. Those who can will find ways of avoiding them, making their imposition on those who can’t doubly unfair.

Corporation tax is one of the Government’s biggest sources of revenue. The Treasury couldn’t easily be persuaded to give it up, even though this is the logical solution. In any case, the electorate is probably not quite ready for such economic radicalism. None the less, there is not a lot of point in a tax-cutting agenda if the giveaways all end up clawed back from business. Beware the smoke and mirrors of electoral promises.


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